nedeľa 29. apríla 2012

Zheng He

In our AP World History class, had been watching many videos about Zheng He and we were able to learn about him, his life story, and his achievements. Zheng He was a mariner, explorer, diplomat, and fleet admiral, who commanded voyages. He was had birth in the year of 1371 and he was born in Yunnan, China. Zheng He was from the poor Muslim family, so therefore he started to study about his religion when he was very young. Also Zheng He’s descendants were Arabic. During his young age, when the Ming Dynasty forces defeated the Yuan Dynasty, unfortunately, his father got executed. Not only this, but Zheng He, himself got castrated also. 
After this he entered into imperial service, and was sent to Beiping, which is current day Beijing, for purpose of serving Zhu Di, the prince of Yan. When Zheng He was sent to Zhu Di, because of his brilliance and loyalty, Zhu Di trusted him very much. Therefore, later Zheng He was able to become Zhu Di’s personal bodyguard and was able to learn and show his smartness and leadership abilities. For many years, he stayed with Zhu Di being successful on campaigns and battles. Since he had gained so much trust from Zhu Di and also he knew that Zheng He was very intelligent and had many extraordinary abilities, he was able to be an ideal commander for the voyages. Nowadays, Zheng He is still remembered by many people in the world. He was a most famous maritime explorer, and that his extraordinary abilities made people to remember him as that way. He had achieved such things as exploration, foreign diplomacy and military affairs also. Zheng He was very intelligent and hard working man, who gain trusts from people by showing his own abilities very well.

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