nedeľa 2. októbra 2011


Babylon’s city shares unique artistic traditions, which is shared with the Sumerians and those traits are antiquity, variety, and richness. Babylonia was able to dominate Mesopotamia under Hammurabi, so there were many portrait of Hammurabi drawn back in the days. Not only portraits, but sculptures were also made for Hammurabi, and they also made many goddesses’ and gods’ sculptures too.  

Babylonians had three main parts for their hierarchy, and they also had two basic unites of family and people depended their marriage and social life between people on their hierarchy. Kings and nobles were basically on the top of the hierarchy, followed by the free citizens and then at the very bottom there were slaves. These three groups had specific name for their hierarchy, and it was awilu, mushkenu, and then the wardu, from top to bottom.

Like most of the cities to, Babylon was under the king’s control, which practiced legislative and judicial and executive powers. Even though the king is controlling the city, there is also a group of government who helps the king to govern the city. All the rules and political things were decided by the government members and the king who had to most power.

Babylonians had used the cuneiform system of writing which was developed by the Sumerian predecessors. Since Babylonians have to learn how to read and write these words, they were educated in their schools. These developments of the writings helped Babylonians to improve in their legal, administrative, and economical functions.

In the ancient Babylon, citizen’s had two kinds of religions, state’s religion and the private citizen’s religion. State’s religion involved some huge temples, since it was devoted by the state; however the private citizen’s religion believed in the sorcery and magic. There were many gods involved in the city of ancient Babylon, and many different temples built for their own god.

Babylon’s economy was based on the agriculture, animal husbandry, manufactured goods and foreign trade. Also there were many people used silvers to trade goods that they needed. While they were trading things, they measured things by weight for payment.

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